Although Thailand is usually blessed with ample water resources, the availability of clean drinking water is often a problem in up-country areas. Many children in rural Thailand drink untreated or poorly treated water at their schools, which makes them ill and impairs their studies.

In 1996, our club initiated a Clean Drinking Water for Schools Programme to install water purification systems in rural schools. To date we have installed over 600 systems in schools in over 30 provinces throughout Thailand. The systems use Reverse Osmosis technology and are easy to maintain and relatively inexpensive.

A standard system produces sufficient water each day for up to 400 students. Its design enables re-use of reject water for toilets, cleaning and gardening, and sometimes excess purified water can be used by village residents. Water samples are tested to determine the level of cleaning and consequent configuration of system required.

Clean Drinking Water Systems Plan By Rotary Club Bangkok South

With proper care and maintenance, each system can provide clean water for 10 years or more at a cost of less than one fifth of a cent per student, per day. Typically, attendance at school improves dramatically when children have access to clean water, as do grades after a while, as healthier children learn better.

A recipient school should have less than 400 students, be outside the provincial center and be poor. The school must build, and pay for, a shed to house the machine to detailed instructions. This gives the school and local community an ownership stake in the project.

Each project costs 120,000-150,000 Baht, depending on the system needed and the school’s location. This includes the machine itself, its installation, and a maintenance fund of 25,000 Baht, given to the local Rotary Club and sufficient for 4-5 years.

Clean Drinking Water Installations

 Saraburi: 10 provincial schools

Angthong: 11 provincial schools

Banmi, Lopburi: 15 provincial schools

Club of Banmi, Lopburi.

Banmi, Lopburi: 17 provincial schools

Clean Drinking Water Systems Installation Plan By Rotary Club Bangkok South
Clean Drinking Water Systems Plan By Rotary Club Bangkok South

Sponsorship: Become a Water Fellow

Soda Sponsorship: 75,000 Baht, sponsoring one system.

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Wine Sponsorship: 120,000 Baht, sponsoring two systems.

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Clean Drinking Water Systems Plan By Rotary Club Bangkok South
Clean Drinking Water Systems Plan By Rotary Club Bangkok South

Champagne Sponsorship: 150,000 Baht, sponsoring three systems.

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Remember each system’s total cost is 120-150,000 Baht, but our club undertakes to find or fund the remaining cost for each project.

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